A downloadable game

This is a bluffing game I designed for Constraints, a bi-weekly challenge we do at https://bromberry-games.itch.io/

The constraint was a bluffing game that you would play in a casino. You can watch the video on the side to get the general idea and come back to read the rules in more detail!


  1. Shuffle the deck and reveal 1 card of each suit. These are the Foundation Cards and stay on the table for the entire round. Shuffle the deck again.
  2. Deal 1 card to each player and write down the suit on a piece of paper. This is the suit you're playing.
  3. Deal 9 more cards to each player.
  4. Reveal 5 more cards and place them in the middle. These are the Common Goods.
  5. Every player puts 20 tokens (e.g. chips) into the shared pot.


  • Every turn you must trade with another player.
  • On a your turn, you can negotiate with other players about what to trade.
  • You pick one player and both of you place a card face down saying what it is.
  • Each player in the trade can now decide whether they believe the other or not.
  • If both of you believe, the cards stay face down and you trade them.
  • You can also call out the other player (and they can call out you) and the accused reveals their card.
  • If the card doesn't match what the player said it was, they pay 5 tokens into the shared pot.
  • If the card does match, the wrongful accuser must pay 5 tokens.
  • The cards get traded nevertheless.

Interacting with the deck:

  • In addition to trading with another player you may interact with the deck, which includes the Common Goods.
  • You can perform only one of these actions once per turn.
  • Selling: you can remove any number of cards from your hand and put it into the deck. You gain 1 token per card from the pot. Shuffle the deck.
  • Trading: you switch a card from your hand with one of the Common Goods. You pay 3 tokens into the pot. 
  • Buying: you take  card from the Common Goods into your hand. You pay 5 into the pot. The top card from the deck gets placed into the Common Goods. If you have 11 cards, discard one and place it into the deck. Shuffle it.
  • Swipe: draw 5 new Common Goods cards and shuffle the old ones into the deck. You pay 15 tokens.


  • The cards go from 2 (lowest) to Ace (highest)
  • This is changed depending on the Foundation cards
  • The Foundation Cards act as the first card in the scale.
    • for example: if the 4 of hearts is revealed, it is the new 2 for any player whose suit is hearts
    • the scale would be: 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J Q K A 2 3
  • A player treats all their cards as if they are starting from the Foundation Card of their suit.
    • that is: when you are playing the heart suit in this example even if you get a K of clubs, you treat it as if it were an 11


  • Players take 5 turns per round.
  • Once every player had their 5 turns, every player reveals 5 cards.
  • The cards are ranked according to poker rules and each player's respective suit.
  • If there's a tie, those players reveal the remaining 5 cards and rank them by the same rules.
  • Winner takes the pot.
  • If a player is unable to pay after being caught in a bluff or wrongfully accusing another, they must remove a card from their hand.

Development log

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